Siheung·Janghyeon District Town House 2BL
Siheung·Janghyeon District Town House 2BL
Jeollanamdo Forest Visitor Centers for Little Children
Jeollanamdo Forest Visitor Centers for Little Children
Jungheung 2·3dong Integrated Building and Public Parking Lot
Jungheung 2·3dong Integrated Building and Public Parking Lot
Dongtan Jung-ang Elementary School
Dongtan Jung-ang Elementary School
Yong-in Edong Elementary School
Yong-in Edong Elementary School
National Arboretum
Children's Forest School
National Arboretum
Children's Forest School
Pohang Pavilion - Broadcasted by JTBC
Pohang Pavilion - Broadcasted by JTBC
Seoul Jungnang-gu
Environmental Education Center
Seoul Jungnang-gu
Environmental Education CenterONGOING
LH Banghak-dong Senior Housing
LH Banghak-dong Senior Housing
Yangju Children's Cultural Center
Yangju Children's Cultural CenterCompetition
Suncheoon Bay
National Garden Greenhouse
Suncheoon Bay
National Garden GreenhouseCompetition
Gyeonggi Food Research Institute
Gyeonggi Food Research Institute
LH Goseong-gun Social Housing
LH Goseong-gun Social Housing
Cafe PokaO
Cafe PokaO
Office of Education Daycare Center
Office of Education Daycare CenterCompetition
ROMADIC (Romantic + Nomadic) HOME
ROMADIC (Romantic + Nomadic) HOME
Pohang Public Toilet
Pohang Public Toilet
Gapyeong House
Gapyeong House
Suwon Remodeling Social Housing
Suwon Remodeling Social Housing
Seoul Pyoengchang Culture Platform
Seoul Pyoengchang Culture Platform
Campbell Gray Living & Hotel
Campbell Gray Living & Hotel
ROMADIC ( Romantic + Nomadic ) VILLAGE
Namhae Ocean View
Namhae Ocean View
LH Vietnam 2018
LH Vietnam 2018
Shinan Art Village
Shinan Art Village
Shinan Anza Village Urban Renaissance
Shinan Anza Village Urban Renaissance
Gyeonggido GG31
Gyeonggido GG31Competition
Renovation of Suwon Farmers Hall
Renovation of Suwon Farmers Hall
Lac Tunis
Lac Tunis
Biophilic Design 이란?
바이오필릭 디자인은 자연과의 건물 또는 공간의 사용자와의 연결성을 높여, 자연을 사랑하고 (Biophilia의 원뜻인 생명사랑) 자연과 함께하는 친환경 디자인을 뜻함
Biophilia 란?
Biophilia는 '생명 사랑'을 뜻하는 단어로, 생물학자 에드워드 윌슨 하버드대 석좌교수는 이 책에서 생명 사랑을 '생명 또는 생명과 유사한 과정에 가치를 두는 타고난 경향'이라고 정의한다.
Biodivercity Design 이란?
지역, 공간, 건축물 등에 생물 종 다양성(Biodiversity)를 확보, Biophilic design를 구현하는 디자인이며, 국제적인증 라벨 부여를 통해 브랜드 가치를 높일 수 있음. 지음플러스 김성훈 대표는 IBPC (The International Biodiversity & Property Council)의 한국 파트너임.
Caritas Welfare Facility Roof Design
Caritas Welfare Facility Roof Design
LH Farm
LH Farm
Yeongam-gun Seoul Farm
Yeongam-gun Seoul Farm
Seoul Cultural Resource Center 2020
Seoul Cultural Resource Center 2020Competition